Kobbeådalen: The Mysterious Valley on Bornholm

Kobbeådalen is one of the charming rift valleys on Bornholm, whose beauty can be fully appreciated. Located just 2 kilometers south of Gudhjem, this picturesque valley still retains its wildness and natural beauty.
As you stroll along the stream, you may come across herds of sheep, curiously observing visitors. As you follow the river upstream, you are sure to encounter various plants, listen to the songs of birds, and watch fish swimming in the clear water. The rocky walls and lush trees add unique charm to this valley.
One of the most characteristic inhabitants of the stream is the streamside snail, which, according to Preben Kristensen, can occur in an incredible quantity of over 500 specimens per square meter of the streambed. This is a remarkable natural phenomenon that fascinates nature enthusiasts from all over the world.
Surrounded by lush vegetation, the valley is an ideal place for a walk and relaxation in a natural setting. Trees such as oaks, ash, hazel, hornbeam, and field maple create a harmonious landscape that is a perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Kobbeådalen is not just an ordinary valley; it is a true secret of Bornholm waiting to be discovered. Are you ready to immerse yourself in its charms and experience nature in its purest form? Find out for yourself how this magical valley can enchant every nature lover.

Stavehøl Waterfall

Stavehøl Waterfall: Nature's Gem on Bornholm

Stavehøl Waterfall is a true gem of nature on Bornholm. With a height of 3-4 meters and a vertical drop, it is the tallest vertical waterfall in Denmark. This place captivates not only with its beauty but also with its tranquility and natural splendor.

To reach Stavehøl Waterfall, you must hike along a 2-kilometer trail that begins on the rural road south of Melsted and follows the Kobbeå River. While it may not be the highest waterfall on the island, it is undoubtedly considered the most beautiful. Its vertical cascading waters create an incredible sight that takes your breath away.
The valley surrounding Stavehøl Waterfall is also a popular destination for hikes in early spring. When the forest canopy is still leafless, nature blooms in vibrant colors. Blue and white flowers create a magical contrast that is unforgettable for every nature enthusiast.
At the other end of the valley lies the small Kobbeå Beach, which is an excellent place to relax after your hike. Here, you can unwind while enjoying the peace and fresh air.

If you plan to visit Stavehøl Waterfall, it's best to park your car on Melstedvej, near Sannes Familycamping. There, you'll find a small, free parking area that provides easy access to this wonderful place. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the charm of Stavehøl Waterfall and the beauty of Bornholm's nature.

tovbanen on Bornholm
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