Bornholm / Gudhjem & Christiansø

In October 2021 we spent a week on Bornholm, it was my first visit to this beautiful island
(a day trip two decades ago doesn't count).

The best thing is that the ferry leaves almost on my doorstep, in Saßnitz/Mukran (Rügen). The crossing only took about three hours and after another 20 minutes by car we reached our holiday apartment in Dueodde.

I fell in love immediately and it was immediately clear that we would come back,
in spring, when the sun shines brighter and the days are longer...

We spent the first day of our vacation in the magical town of Gudhjem.
We were surprised that parking on Bornholm is free almost everywhere (as is using public toilets). We parked the car right at the harbor and explored Gudhjem and the surrounding area on foot.
The relaxed atmosphere, the nature, the coastal landscape, the wide view of the Baltic Sea - we enjoyed it and looked forward to the coming days
our adventure “Bornholm”.

Gudhjem is a picturesque fishing village inhabited by 762 residents as of January 2021. Its name literally means "House of the Gods". Thanks to its charm and its enchanting location right by the sea, Gudhjem is a popular tourist and excursion destination.

Unfortunately the "Cafe Rosa" was closed. During our time on Bornholm we were there four times, unfortunately without success. It will definitely work next year!

more information about gudhjem >> <<

The ice cream parlor "Guthjem ls" is located in one of the charming old buildings right on the harbor; it has existed since 1959. The ice cream (exceptionally creamy) is a real dream.
My favorite: “lille vanilla”, rolled in chocolate powder  “Gudhjem-Schoko-dry”.

On the second day the pea islands “Christiansø” were on the agenda. From Gudhjem it is about 18 km (50 minutes) by boat. It actually rained all day, but we still enjoyed it.

timetable and tickets >> https://de/christiansoefarten/ << 

Christiansø is a small group of archipelago islands, consisting of the islands of Christiansø, Frederiksø, Græsholm and small rocks. Frederiksø and Christiansø are connected by a delicate suspension bridge.
Græsholm, on the other hand, is an important bird island.
It is a bird sanctuary and may only be entered for research purposes

We explored both islands, hiking along the fortress walls and climbing both towers. Unfortunately, the place where many seals usually lie in the sun was empty - without sun there are no seals...

more information can be found here >> <<

Finally, have a typical beer in the cozy inn and then take the boat back to Gudhjem.

The sun only appeared from the third day onwards.
More from Bornholm here soon, then with sun.

Until then, warm greetings from the island of Rügen, yours



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