How to get to Bornholm by plane?

Fly from Copenhagen to Bornholm with DAT airlines

DAT airlines fly more than 75 times a week between Copenhagen and Bornholm. Thanks to the 40-minute journey, visiting Sunny Island has become easy and fast. Bornholm was recognized as the second best holiday island in Europe, ahead of, among others Crete, Sicily, Ibiza and Majorca. Direct flights from Aalborg, Aarhus, Billund, Midtjylland and Copenhagen to Bornholm.

Benefits when flying with DAT

Online check-in
8 kg of free hand luggage
Up to 23 kg of luggage (when purchasing a BETTER or FLEX ticket)
Children pay 75% of the ticket price + taxes and fees
Discount for seniors and students CPH Express
Babies always travel for free
Easy and cheap car rental on Bornholm


Flights from Copenhagen to Bornholm run all year round, and in the summer season also direct connections from all over Denmark
Below are all the departure cities with the respective travel times and times.

Departure airport Travel period Travel period to Bornholm
Aalborg (AAL) March 31 - October 29, 2021 1h 15min
Aarhus (AAR) June 16 - August 15, 2021 1h 5 min
Billund (BLL) April 1 - October 25, 2021 1h 5min
Midtjylland (KRP) through CPH  all year 50 min / stop over CPH / 40 min
Kopenhaga (CPH)  all year 40min 

Private flights

Private flights

There is also possibility to get to the island of Bornholm with a private flights, e.g. a helicopter, a flying taxi or a private jet.

Companies offer year-round flights to Bornholm, most often from neighboring countries Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Poland. Some tourists go to Bornholm for just one day. By visiting restaurants or local attractions. Private jets are not only about the luxury and life of rock stars! It is a way to maximize one of the tiniest resources: time!

tovbanen on Bornholm
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