In the picturesque surroundings of Bornholm, an island full of charm and natural beauty, lives a tradition that combines history, sport, and enjoyment - Archery on Bornholm. It's a unique way of spending time that attracts both locals and tourists, offering both relaxing entertainment and demanding challenges.
At first glance, archery may seem like a simple discipline - you shoot at a target using foam-tipped arrows. However, beneath this apparent simplicity lies a wealth of techniques, focus, and precision. Every shot requires the archer to find harmony between the body and the mind. It's not just physical strength, but also control of breath, posture, and aiming accuracy that determine success on the archery range.
Bornholm is an ideal place to engage in this sport. Surrounded by green forests, picturesque hills, and the tranquility of nature, it's a paradise for archery enthusiasts. Amidst nature and calmness, one can indulge in the practice of shooting arrows, deriving joy from hitting the target as well as from the process of skill refinement itself.
Though demanding, this discipline also carries an element of fun and competition. Archery tournaments on Bornholm attract enthusiasts from various corners who compete for the title of champion. The sound of arrows being released, the emotions accompanying each shot, and the moments of joy from a perfect hit create an atmosphere of extraordinary camaraderie.
Our archery involves shooting from a bow with soft-tipped arrows, making it much less painful than paintball. Bowcombat is for anyone above 10 years old. We play against each other in two teams and, of course, shoot at opponents. We can play several different games with varying rules, such as Capture the Leader, Flag Retrieval, SWAT versus Terrorists, Target Shooting, and more. Bowcombat is played in teams of 2-6 players each, and if there are more players, we organize small tournaments or play with reserves.
During the game, an instructor will be present to explain the equipment and game rules. The instructor also acts as a referee and suggests different games to play. Bowcombat can be played all year round. And we promise, it won't disappoint, as it's a great blend of tactics, precision, and speed. It's truly a fantastic recipe for a bachelor party, company outing, school trip, or active morning or afternoon with the family.
Number of participants: 4-30 people.
Duration: 2-3 hours.
Location: Vang granite quarry or Lake Opal.
Availability: year-round.
Other requirements: None. Age from 10 years.
Bring: Practical clothing and shoes.
Companies and stag parties: minimum of 8 people.
DKK 350 per person incl. VAT for 3 hours.
Tourists / small groups: at least 6 people.
DKK 350 per person incl. VAT for 3 hours