Description and Stages of the Bike Route from Allinge to Svaneke

The bike route from Allinge to Svaneke on Bornholm Island is a fantastic adventure for active holiday enthusiasts. It starts in Allinge, a resort town known for its stunning location in the northern part of the island. Right at the beginning, an incredible view of the sea awaits us, making an impression right from the start.

The route then leads along the north coast of Bornholm, just a few meters from the shore. There are no shortage of long, challenging climbs, but it's worth the effort to admire the beautiful views of the rocky coastline and charming towns.

Through Sandkås and Tejn, two small seaside towns, the route takes us to the most famous place on Bornholm - Helligdommen. Tourists from all over the world come here to admire the beauty of Heligdomsklipperne, a rock formation that makes a huge impression.

The next stop is Gudhjem, the most picturesque town on the island, which delights with its atmosphere and characteristic, colorful cottages. It's the perfect place to rest, have a coffee, and relax while strolling through charming streets. In Gudhjem, it's also worth visiting one of the many galleries where local artists present their works. Near Gudhjem is the charming town of Melsted. It's a peaceful seaside town that encourages rest and relaxation.

In Melsted, it's worth visiting the Agricultural Museum (Landbrugsmuseet), where you can learn about the history of agriculture on Bornholm and see original tools and farm machinery. The museum also organizes seasonal activities such as participating in harvest or learning how to prepare juices. In addition, Melsted has beautiful beaches, ideal for walking and sunbathing, and charming restaurants serving local specialties such as fish and seafood. The town is also a popular starting point for windsurfing and kitesurfing enthusiasts, thanks to favorable wind conditions. The next point on the route is the charming fishing village of Listed, where you can rest, sit in the harbor, and admire the fantastic landscapes. On a nice day, you can see the Ertholmene archipelago from there.

The last stop on the route is Svaneke, which has been honored with the European Golden Medal for preserving its unique character and history. The town has retained its unique atmosphere thanks to over 200-year-old wooden houses, which are worth seeing. Here, you can also try delicious dishes from the local smokehouse, whose taste and aroma will be remembered for a long time.

The bike route from Allinge to Svaneke on Bornholm Island is an ideal way to enjoy an active holiday, fully appreciate the beauty of this picturesque island, and explore the most interesting places on the north coast of Bornholm.

Nawierzchnia trasy

Nieutwardzona: 1,73 km | Żwir: 909 m | Betonowa: 4,81 km | Asfalt: 23,8 km | Nieznany: 661 m

Punkty na trasie:

Helligdomsklipperne | Port Gudhjem | Wiatrak Gudhjem | Plaża Kobbeå | Port w Listed | Wędzarnia w Svaneke

tovbanen on Bornholm
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