Trasa rowerowa Rønne - Allinge

Rønne to Allinge Cycling Route: Guide and Description

Duration: Approximately a full day, depending on the number and length of stops.
Length: 26.5 km
Difficulty Level: Suitable for various skill levels, though some sections may require more effort.


Rønne: Parking available near the port.

The cycling route from Rønne to Allinge on Bornholm is not only a journey through picturesque landscapes but also a fascinating lesson in history and culture. This unique path offers both nature lovers and history enthusiasts an exceptional opportunity to discover the charms of this island. In the description below, we will present the stages of the route, the attractions you will encounter along the way, and practical tips to make your adventure even more satisfying. It's worth noting that some of the listed attractions are in close proximity to this cycling route, making the journey even more interesting and comfortable for cyclists.

Bornholm Museum in Rønne

Starting the journey from the port in Rønne, the Bornholm Museum is a must-visit, featuring three fascinating branches. Erichsens Gård, a preserved 19th-century house, offers insight into the daily lives of Bornholm's past residents. Hjorths Stentøj is a unique place showcasing traditional Bornholm ceramics, famous for its distinctive patterns and techniques. The main buildings of the museum delve into the rich history and culture of the island, from prehistoric times to the present day.

Muzeum Bornholmu w Rønne


This place is a testament to the island's industrial past, with fascinating remnants of the old coal mine. The Kultippen area not only captivates with its historical context but also with its natural beauty. The beach offers a stunning view of impressive waves, making it a popular spot for surfing enthusiasts and beyond.



The small town of Hasle entices visitors with its charming harbor and famous smokehouse. Here, you can taste the local smoked fish, a culinary symbol of Bornholm. A stroll along the harbor, with views of the boats and the sea, provides the perfect backdrop for a relaxing break.


Jons Kapel

The legendary site where Monk Jon was said to have converted non-believers now attracts visitors with its natural beauty. Jons Kapel, a rock formation rising 20 meters high, offers not only a fascinating history but also breathtaking views of the surrounding nature.

Jons Kapel


Slotslyngen Nature Reserve is a true paradise for nature enthusiasts. The rocky landscapes, interwoven with a colorful carpet of heather, create a unique scene best admired during the autumn bloom. It's a place where time seems to slow down, and every corner holds its own story.


Ruins of Hammershus Castle

Visiting the ruins of Hammershus Castle is a journey back in time to the medieval era. This largest fortress in Denmark before the age of artillery holds many secrets. Its location on a rock above the sea adds a majestic character to the site, and the view from the castle walls over the surrounding lakes and the sea is simply unforgettable.


Hammersø and Opalsø

The two lakes, Hammersø and Opalsø, are an oasis of tranquility and natural beauty. Hammersø, the largest natural lake on the island, offers picturesque views and is a popular swimming spot. Opalsø, on the other hand, impresses with its crystal-clear water and steep, rocky shores, making it perfect for exploration.

Hammersø i Opalsø


Ending the route in Allinge is like the cherry on top of this cycling adventure. Charming streets, cafes, and restaurants serving local Bornholm specialties, along with views of the sea and rocky coastline, make this town the perfect place to relax and reflect on the journey.


Practical Tips:

Planning: Before you set off, check the weather forecast and plan your route to avoid any surprises.
Equipment: Don't forget your helmet, comfortable clothing, a first aid kit, and enough water and snacks.
Stops: Take advantage of the numerous rest areas to enjoy the views and local delicacies.
Photos and Notes: Document your journey to share your experiences with others and preserve the memories.


Is the route suitable for beginners?
The route is adapted to various skill levels, though some sections may require more effort.

Are there places to rent bikes along the route?
Yes, there are rental points in Rønne that offer bikes suitable for the cycling trails on Bornholm.

How long does it take to complete the route?
The travel time depends on the number and length of stops. On average, you can expect the route to take a full day.

Are there charging points for electric bikes along the route?
Yes, there are.

The cycling route from Rønne to Allinge is not just a sporting adventure, but above all a journey through the rich culture, history, and nature of Bornholm. Each attraction along the route offers a unique experience that will make this trip memorable for a long time. Whether you are looking for adventures in nature, are interested in history, or simply want to enjoy the scenic beauty, this route will surely meet your expectations.

tovbanen on Bornholm
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