From Vang to Allinge: A Guide to the Most Beautiful Hiking Trail on Bornholm

Join us on an unforgettable journey through nature and history on Bornholm, an island that captivates with its diversity and beauty. The hiking trail from Vang to Allinge offers a unique opportunity to discover the hidden treasures of this Danish pearl of the Baltic. Covering approximately 8.5 km of picturesque landscapes, you will visit places that tell stories from centuries ago, see incredible rock formations, and experience closeness with nature in its purest form. Although challenging, this trail promises not only a physical challenge but also spiritual renewal, thanks to the extraordinary views and the peace you will experience being so close to nature. Prepare yourself for an adventure that will remain in your memory long after you return home.

Attractions on the Trail

Vang Harbor

Vang Harbor is a picturesque nook that captivates with its authenticity and tranquility. Surrounded by traditional, well-preserved fishing houses, the harbor is a testament to the rich history of fishing on the island. This is a place where time seems to flow more slowly, and every detail – from the chiseled granite blocks to the colorful fishing boats – tells its own story. Vang Harbor is the perfect starting point for exploring the charms of Bornholm, offering not only beautiful views but also insight into the daily life of the island's residents.

Vang Harbor Bornholm

Pissebækken Waterfall

Pissebækken Waterfall, although not the tallest waterfall, makes a huge impression with its natural beauty and the force of the flowing water. It is the third-highest waterfall in Denmark, providing a perfect backdrop for photography and moments of respite during a hike. Surrounded by lush vegetation and rocky terrain, the waterfall is easily accessible thanks to wooden stairs that lead to this hidden natural treasure. Visiting Pissebækken, one can feel the power and tranquility of nature, making this place a unique spot on the map of Bornholm's attractions.

Pissebækken Waterfall


Mulekleven is an extraordinary place that captivates with its wildness and natural beauty. This monumental bird mountain, with its high gorges, is home to numerous bird species. Being one of the most spectacular viewpoints on the island, Mulekleven offers unforgettable views of the Baltic Sea and the surrounding cliffs. It is a place where one can feel close to nature and admire its remarkable diversity. Mulekleven is a must-visit for bird lovers and all who wish to experience the unique atmosphere of Bornholm.

Mulekleven Bornholm

Lion's Head and Camel's

Lion's Head and Camel's Rocks are one of the most extraordinary rock attractions on Bornholm. These naturally formed rocks, protruding from the waters of the Baltic Sea, resemble the shapes of a lion's head and a camel, adding to their mystery and charm. Located in a small cove, near the ruins of Hammershus castle, these rock formations are a popular destination for photographers and tourists wishing to capture the uniqueness and beauty of Bornholm's nature. Visiting this place, one can feel the magic and power of nature, capable of creating such fascinating forms.

Lion's Head and Camel's, Bornholm


The ruins of Hammershus Castle are undoubtedly one of Bornholm's greatest attractions, bearing witness to the island's rich history. Located on a high cliff, they offer not only impressive views of the Baltic Sea but also insight into the medieval past of the region. Hammershus, being the largest castle ruin in Northern Europe, fascinates with its architecture and history, telling tales of ancient battles and defenses. Visiting this place, one can feel the spirit of the past and understand the important role that castles played in the history of Denmark.


Moseløkke Quarry

The Moseløkke Quarry is not just a workplace, but also a functioning museum that presents the history of the stone industry on Bornholm. Visiting this place, one can see how stone was extracted and processed, which was an important resource for the island. The quarry and museum offer a unique opportunity to understand how man and nature have collaborated over the centuries. It's a fascinating place for anyone interested in history, geology, or simply wants to see what work in a quarry looks like.

Moseløkke Quarry Bornholm

Viewing Circles

Viewing Circles are unique spots on the route from Vang to Allinge, offering not only a moment of rest but also the opportunity to admire the breathtaking panoramas of Bornholm. These specially designed viewpoints, with benches arranged in the shape of circles, provide the perfect place for a short break and contemplation of the beauty of the surrounding nature. From the viewing circles, picturesque views of fields, forests, and the blue waters of the Baltic Sea unfold, making them a must-visit for anyone wishing to fully experience the charm and tranquility of the island.

Viewing Circles Bornholm

Allinge Harbor and The People's Meeting

Allinge Harbor is not only bustling with life thanks to its charming surroundings, shops, restaurants, and cafes, but it also plays a key role as a venue for meetings and cultural events. One of the most significant events held in Allinge is the Folkemødet – the Danish political festival, also known as "The People's Meeting". It is a unique opportunity where politicians, business people, NGOs, and citizens come together to discuss current social, political, and economic issues. Folkemødet attracts participants from all over the country and serves as a platform for open dialogue, exchange of ideas, and building bridges between different sectors of society. Visiting Allinge Harbor, one can not only enjoy its picturesque setting but also immerse in the rich political and social culture of Denmark, experiencing one of the most inspiring events on Bornholm.

Allinge Harbor Folkemødet, Bornholm

Practical Tips

Distance and duration: About 8.5 km, approximately 3 hours.
Difficulty level: Intermediate level route, requiring good physical condition.
Start and end points: Vang pier and Allinge harbor. Attractions: Vang harbor, Pissebækken waterfall, Mulekleven, Lion's Head and Camel's Rocks, Hammershus, Moseløkke Quarry.
Surface: Walking paths, forest trails, paved and unpaved roads.


Is the route suitable for beginners?
The route is challenging and recommended for people with an intermediate level of hiking experience.

Are there rest spots along the route?
Yes, there are viewpoints with benches along the route where you can rest and enjoy the views.

Are guides or group tours available?
During the summer season, various tours are organized, including to Hammershus Castle. Details are available on

In summary, the walking route from Vang to Allinge on Bornholm is more than just a hike; it's a journey through history, culture, and the pristine nature of the island. Every step on this route is a discovery, from charming fishing harbors, through spectacular waterfalls, and monumental bird mountains, to the ruins of a medieval castle and a working quarry museum. It's a unique opportunity to see for yourself why Bornholm is called the "pearl of the Baltic." Whether you're an experienced hiker or looking for new challenges, this route offers something for everyone who wants to combine active leisure with cultural and historical enrichment. Let this hike be your bridge to discovering the extraordinary stories and landscapes of Bornholm, providing unforgettable memories and inspiring further travels.

Hasle-Vang Hiking Trail
tovbanen on Bornholm
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